Friday, 28 March 2014

Day 1 Complete

At 8:30am we met in the town square as a team to head out to a local school to do some work projects. Most of the students did construction work while some others did some wood working and metal welding. Morale was high, even when the sun was beating down on most of the students and we stopped for a lunch break to enjoy a spirited, pick up game of soccer with the students. During the work projects we were able to work right alongside the students at the school and learned more Spanish as well as we tried to communicate with both words and charades. 

After our work day ended at 3, we picked up our tired bodies and went to explore the city of Antigua for 2 hours. We are spending time hanging out with our home stay families tonight as our first work day is complete. As we say goodnight please keep us in your prayers as we head into another work day tomorrow. 

The crew about to explore Antigua

Gorgeous view this morning from the town square in San Juan

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